Saturday, March 3, 2012

Data service questions finally answered.

I finally received an answer about the ongoing data problems that I have been seeing in the area of my home.

It turns out that the nearest 3g+ cell is several miles to the south of my location and the closer cells are 2g. The coverage map for the public shows solid 4g data coverage in this area; however, according to t-mobile's engineering department I am in a 2g service area. The closer cells are supposed to be upgraded "soon", a nice vague timeframe that I take to mean sometime in the next five years.

Part of the problem is the fact that the phones are configured to give priority to faster cells over slower cells, even if the slower cell provides a stronger signal. So, due to the facts that T-Mobile is providing inaccurate coverage information and the design of the systems, my wife and I have to deal with our phones going dead very fast at our home.

Thank you T-Mobile for providing exaggerated coverage information and almost two years to admit it to me unofficially.

Location : 7745 Yorkshire Dr, Reno, NV 89506,

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